Sports Information
Registration and medical forms for interscholastic sports:
There has been a change in the requirements for submission of sports physical forms as per the New Jersey Department of Education. Only the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Medical Eligibility Form (current within one year of the try-out date) is required of every student who wishes to try out for after-school sports. This is a change from the sports physical forms required in the past. The History Form and the Physical Examination Form within the packet do not need to be submitted to the student’s school. The History Form and the Physical examination form should be kept by the healthcare provider who completes the PPE (Preparticipation Physical Examination). Only the completed Medical Eligibility Form should be submitted to the school.
A current, valid preparticipation physical evaluation medical eligibility form is a mandatory requirement of the State of New Jersey for all student-athletes. All students must submit this form by the deadline date or he/she will be ineligible for try-outs. Due to the volume of forms we receive and the review process, we cannot extend the deadline.
Students are responsible for ensuring their paperwork is current and are welcome to check their status with the nurse.
IMPORTANT CHANGES TO SPORTS PHYSICAL EXAMINATION PAPERWORK--(updated March 2015)--The Pre-Participation Exam may ONLY be completed by a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse(APN) or physician assistant(PA) that has completed the Student-Athlete Cardiac Assessment professional development module.
It is recommended that you verify that your medical provider has completed this module before scheduling an appointment for a PPE.
Boys’ Baseball
The baseball program is one of the interscholastic sports offered 6th, 7th, and 8th graders during the spring season. Tryouts for the team are held in March. Games are played after school on a competitive level against other schools in the area. Athletic ability, sportsmanship, and academic proficiency are important pre-requisites for team selection. Coach: TBD
Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball
The basketball program is one of the interscholastic sports offered during the winter season. Tryouts for the teams are held in November. Games are played after school on a competitive level against other schools in the area. Athletic ability, sportsmanship, and academic proficiency are important pre-requisites for team selection. There are currently two boys’ basketball teams and two girls’ basketball teams. We offer a boys’ 6th and 7th grade team and a girls 6th and 7th grade team as well as a boys’ 8th grade team and a girls’ 8th grade team. Coaches: 8th Boys- Mr. Duncsak, 8th Girls- Mr. Fine, 6th/7th Boys- Mr. Talley, 6th/7th Girls- Mr. Osborne
Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country
Boys’ and girls’ cross country is held during the fall season and is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Cross Country is a no cut sport with practices and meets held daily after school. Coaches: Mr. Harpootlian & Mrs. Sabatino
Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer
The soccer program is one of the interscholastic sports offered during the fall season. Tryouts for the teams are held in September. Games are played after school on a competitive level against other schools in the area. Athletic ability, sportsmanship, and academic proficiency are important pre-requisites for team selection. There are currently two boys’ soccer teams and one girls’ soccer team. We offer a boys’ 6th and 7th grade team and a boys’ 8th grade team and a girls’ 6th, 7th, and 8th grade team. Coaches: Boys- Mr. Nausedas, Girls- Mr. Osborne
Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis
Boys’ and girls’ tennis is held during the spring season. Tryouts are held in March with practices and matches held daily after school. Team selection is based on academic proficiency, athletic ability, and sportsmanship. Coach: Mrs. Bodsford
Boys’ and Girls’ Track
Boys’ and girls’ track is held during the spring season. Tryouts are held in March with practices and meets held daily after school. Team selection is based on academic proficiency, athletic ability, and sportsmanship. Coaches: Mr. Osborne & Mrs. Sabatino
Girls’ Softball
Softball is held during the spring season and is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Tryouts are held in March with practices held daily after school. Team selection is based on academic proficiency, athletic ability, and sportsmanship. Coach: Ms. Piscitelli
Girls' Field Hockey
The field hockey program is one of the interscholastic sports offered during the fall season and is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Tryouts for the team are held in September. Games are played after school on a competitive level against other schools in the area. Athletic ability, sportsmanship, and academic proficiency are important pre-requisites for team selection. Coach: Ms. Hardy
This activity is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who would enjoy cheering for Marlboro Memorial Middle School's home basketball games. Tryouts are held in November with practices and games held daily after school. Coach: Ms. Piscitelli
This activity is open to all students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Wrestling is a winter sport, with daily practices and matches against other area schools. Physicals are required. Coaches: Mr. Morris & Mr. Martin
Each student is given a schedule that includes playing dates and directions to away games/matches. Please call Mr. Osborne at 732 972-7115 or email at [email protected] if you have any questions.